
Everything that you need to know, to choose the right method for you. How it works, reliability and  the pros and cons. More…

ready for a baby?

A new baby will change every part of your life. Find out what it’s really like with our quick guide to some of the worst bits. More…

the parent test

So you think that you know what you’re up against? Take our fun test and see if you could really cope with the horrors!

preparing yourself

Healthy eating, what to avoid and giving up those anti-social habits you love. More…


All about periods, when are you most fertile and what is going on with your hormones. More…


How on earth did that happen? All about eggs, sperm and what happens, when & how. More…


Getting pregnant is just so easy for some people! If you’re having problems then explore the causes and treatments here. More…

are you pregnant

Think you may be? Check your symptoms against these classic signs of early pregnancy. More…

pregnancy tests

All the different tests that can be done plus some tips on Home Pregnancy Tests.